Campaign Launch at UN
International Detention Coalition launches the Global Campaign to End Child Detention alongside the UN Human Rights Council at the Palais de Nations Building in Geneva, Switzerland.
Campaign Launch in Tanzania
With the help of our supporter Asylum Access, the campaign launches in Tanzania.
Campaign Launch in Malaysia
The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) helps launch the campaign in Malaysia.
Hear Our Voices
Six Youth Advocates share their stories of detention at the United Nations. Their powerful performance is titled Hear Our Voices.
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Day of General Discussion
The CRC Committee clarifies the rights of children in the context of migration in a non-binding day of general discussion. They confirm that child detention is always a child rights violation.
Campaign Launch in Mexico
The International Detention Coalition launches the campaign in Mexico.
Captured Children
The International Detention Coalition launched the Captured Children report, which features 70 interviews with detained children from 11 countries.
Invisible Picture Show
We produce an animated documentary, featuring the voices of children in detention, and present it at a United Nations migration and human rights event.
Campaign Launch in Kenya
The Refugee Consortium of Kenya and the International Organization for Migration help launch the campaign in Kenya.
Tale of Two Children
With support from the UNHCR, we produce a short animation that tells the story of a young boy and girl forced to flee their homes, and how detention can be avoided in order to complete their migration status
PACE Joins the Campaign
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s launches the campaign
Photo Exhibition at the UN
With special help from CultureStrike, the campaign produces an exhibition of artworks based on letters from women and children in immigration detention.
New York Declaration
At the UN Summit, all 193 UN Member State adopted a set of commitments, including ending the practice of child immigration detention. These commitments will pave the way to the Global Compacts of Refugees and Migrants, to be released at the end of 2018.
Talk Migrant Rights Campaign
We contributed to the Talk Migrant Rights campaign by holding a series of social media days of action and taking part in a webinar featuring some of the world’s leading experts on migrant rights.
5 Year Anniversary
The campaign commemorates its first five years by releasing a virtual gallery of artworks that tell the powerful stories of children on the move.
Joint General Comments Launch
The OHCHR officially launches the Joint General Comments on Children in Migration during the 28th session of the Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW). Youth Ambassador, Pinar Aksu, speaks at the event.
Next Generation Index Launch
NextGen Index image