Research Find out about child immigration detention The Best Interests of the Child Principle as an Independent Source of International ProtectionRead MoreDetention of Child Asylum Seekers in the Pursuit of State Interests: A Comparison of the Australian and EU ApproachesRead MoreChildren on the Move: A Global Issue Requiring a Global ResponseRead MoreCaptured ChildhoodRead MoreHarrowing Journeys: Children and youth on the move across the Mediterranean Sea, at risk of trafficking and exploitationRead MoreDanger Every Step of the Way: A Dangerous Journey to Europe for Refugee and Migrant ChildrenRead MoreChildren Behind Bars: The Global Overuse of Detention of ChildrenRead MoreUprooted: The Growing Crisis for Refugee and Migrant ChildrenRead MoreData on Refugee and Migrant ChildrenRead MoreUNHCR Beyond Detention Strategy: Progress ReportRead MoreMigration of Children to EuropeRead MoreProtecting undocumented children: Promising policies and practices from governmentsRead MoreUNHCR Beyond Detention Strategy: Baseline ReportRead MoreA Teachers Guide: How to UNDOCUMENTARY in the ClassroomRead MoreHuman Rights of Undocumented Adolescents and YouthRead MoreChildren on the MoveRead MoreTraining Manual for Guardians and Social Workers dealing with unaccompanied minor asylum seekersRead MoreMigrant Children and Youth: A Global Crisis (Position Paper)Read MoreAway From HomeRead MoreHumanitarian Protection for Children Fleeing Gang-Based Violence in the AmericasRead MoreUnlocking Human Dignity: A Plan to Transform the US Immigrant Detention SystemRead MoreDoes Detention Deter?- IDC ReportRead MoreHalfway Home: Unaccompanied Children in Immigration CustodyRead MoreFor-Profit Family Detention: Meet the Private Prison Corporations Making Millions by Locking Up Refugee FamiliesRead MoreUn Report: Protection of the rights of the child in the context of migrationRead MoreMigrant Women, Children Allege Harsh Conditions, Sexual Assault at For-Profit Texas Immigration JailRead MoreAdministrative Detention of Children: a Global ReportRead MoreLeaving Home, Voices of Children on the MoveRead MoreCore Standards for Guardians of Separate Children in EuropeRead More“Dad, have we done something wrong?” Children and Parents in Immigration DetentionRead MoreAge Assessment Practices: A Literature Review and Annotated BibliographyRead MoreA Last Resort? National Inquiry into Children in Immigration DetentionRead MoreDetention and Best Interest of the ChildRead MoreEnding the Detention of Children: Developing an alternative approach to family returnsRead MoreBeing Children and Undocumented in the UK: A Background PaperRead More