Bar Council Malaysia - Sub Committee on Migrants, Refugees and Immigration Affairs
The Malaysian Bar is a creature of statute established under the Advocates and Solicitors' Ordinance 1947 which ordinance was subsequently repealed by the Legal Profession Act 1976. It is an independent Bar whose aim is to uphold the rule of law and the cause of justice and protect the interest of the legal profession as well as that of the public. The legal profession in Malaysia is a fused one with a membership of approximately 16,000 members. Each advocate and solicitor is automatically a member of the Malaysian Bar so long as he/she holds a valid Practising Certificate.
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Boysyam Production
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Foreign Spouses Support Group
Advancing and Protecting the rights of Foreign Spouses of Malaysian Citizens and their Children
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Malaysian Child Resource Institute
MCRI-Malaysian Child Resource Institute promotes the healthy development of children by raising awareness on the Rights of the Child and advocating for better standards in the provision of early childhood care and education. We also provide research to inform and influence policy. In particular, we monitor and report on the CRC in Malaysia.
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Penang Office for Human Development
The Penang Office for Human Development (POHD) is a social service organization set up in 2000 under the Catholic Church of the Diocese of Penang. It was established as an expression of the Catholic Social Teaching, which stems from the teachings of Christ in the Gospel, with the main intentions of responding to the needs of the poor, needy and marginalized, and promoting justice and peace in the Diocese of Penang.
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Protect & Save The Children Association of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor
P.S. The Children began in April 1999 as a project in response to the need for a voice for sexually abused children. It is the only social organisation in Malaysia that focuses solely on the prevention, intervention and treatment of Child Sexual Abuse. P.S The Children's mission is to create safe and responsive communities by advocating and establishing effective prevention education, strengthening treatment and support services, while forging synergistic partnerships within communities.
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PT Foundation
PT Foundation (previously known as Pink Triangle Sdn Bhd) is a community-based, voluntary non-profit making organization providing HIV/AIDS education, prevention, care and support programmes, sexual health and empowerment programmes for vulnerable communities in Malaysia. We work with 5 key affected populations mainly drug users, sex workers, transsexuals, men who have sex with men (MSM), and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV).
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Suara Rakyat Malaysia
Suaram vows to continue to campaign for civil rights, rule of law, freedom of expression, association and assembly, mother tongue education, freedom of religion and the ratification of international human rights treaties, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and International Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
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The National Human Rights Society
HAKAM was founded under the leadership of two of Malaysia’s former Prime Ministers, namely, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj and Tun Hussein Onn. HAKAM is registered as a society with the objective to, among others, promote, preserve and defend human rights in Malaysia.
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Voice of the Children
VoC’s mission is to advocate for law and policy reform to ensure that the rights of every child in Malaysia are protected and no longer at risk of violation. We believe that the welfare and protection of every child in Malaysia can only be realized through the promotion of children’s rights and the continued implementation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child in Malaysia.
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Women's Aid Organisation
The fundamental belief of Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) is that no one deserves to be battered. We believe that all human beings have the right to self determination and should have control over the conditions that shape their lives. We exist to promote and create respect, protection and fulfillment of equal rights for women, and to work towards the elimination of discrimination against women, and to bring about equality between women and men.
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