• Ambulante

    Documental Ambulante A.C. is a non-profit organization founded in 2005 by Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna, Pablo Cruz, and Elena Fortes. It is committed to support and promote documentary film as a tool for social and cultural change. Ambulante brings documentary films and training programs to places where they are rarely available in order to foster a cultural exchange, encourage a participative, informed and critical attitude in our audience, and open new channels of expression in Mexico and abroad.

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  • Appleseed

    Appleseed is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a more just society in which opportunities are genuine, access to the law is universal and equal, and government advances the public interest. We are part of a network of 17 public interest justice centers in the United States and Mexico working on social, educational, and access to justice problems that have a huge negative impact on our communities. We focus on practical, longterm proposals and solutions.

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  • Casa Alianza

    We are a Private Assistance Institution founded in 1988 by the lawyer and philanthropist Luis Creel Carrera. Our mission is to contribute sustainably to the protection and care of children and adolescents in situations of social abandonment, through our proven and replicated methodology, to reincorporate them into society in a functional and self-sufficient way.

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  • Casa del Migrante Saltillo y Centro de Derechos Humanos de Saltillo

    The Casa del Migrante Saltillo provides humanitarian aid to hundreds of transmigrants daily, which includes medicines, clothing, food, rest space, preparation to continue traveling and psychological support. But beyond humanitarian assistance, they also carry out solid work defending the human rights of migrants, through the documentation of cases of kidnapping, extortion, abuse and aggression suffered by migrants as they pass through the Mexican Republic.

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  • Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Matías de Córdova

    The Fray Matías de Córdova AC Human Rights Center (CDH Fray Matías), is a non-governmental, non-profit human rights organization with more than fifteen years of work, located in the city of Tapachula, Chiapas, southern border between Mexico and Guatemala. It began its activities in mid-1994, however it was not until the end of 1997 when it became a Civil Association. Its work is directed towards the promotion, dissemination and integral defense of the human rights of migrants, through actions such as litigation, political and media advocacy, training and migration management, in order to establish legal precedents that generate a change in the public policies that, in turn, contribute to the minimization or eradication of human rights violations.

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  • Ciudadanos en Apoyo a los Derechos Humanos, A.C.

    Citizens in Support of Human Rights AC is a civil and non-profit organization whose main cause is the defense of the Human Rights of people. In CADHAC we seek to awaken the conscience of civil society so that it assumes as its own cause the defense and promotion of Human Rights, thus contributing to the dignity of the person being respected in our society.

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  • i(dh)eas, Litigio Estratégico en Derechos Humanos, A.C.

    Contribute to the construction of a state of law and a full democracy, from the area of ​​justice, where human rights are the guiding axis of state policies.

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  • Organization for Social Development and Education for All/Organización para el Desarrollo Social y la Educación para Todos

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  • Sin Fronteras

    Sin Fronteras is an organization of Mexican civil society, secular, non-partisan and non-profit that contributes to the promotion, protection and defense of Human Rights of migrants and subjects of international protection to dignify their living conditions through direct attention and incidence on the public agenda.

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