Departamento de Comunicación y Cultura, Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" (Communication and Culture Department, Central American University José Simeón Cañas)
The Central American University José Simeón Cañas (UCA) is a university of Christian and martyrdom inspiration at the service of the Salvadoran and Central American people to promote university social transformation, through research, teaching and social projection. The UCA forms competent people committed to social justice; contributes to the creation of new modes of human behavior and social coexistence based on justice and solidarity with the poor, the defense of human rights and the common good; and promotes responsible research and innovation.
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Equipo Interdisciplinario de Migración de la Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" (Interdisciplinary Migration Team, Central American University José Simeón Cañas)
The Central American University José Simeón Cañas (UCA) is a university of Christian and martyrdom inspiration at the service of the Salvadoran and Central American people to promote university social transformation, through research, teaching and social projection. The UCA forms competent people committed to social justice; contributes to the creation of new modes of human behavior and social coexistence based on justice and solidarity with the poor, the defense of human rights and the common good; and promotes responsible research and innovation.
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Grupo de Monitoreo Independiente de El Salvador (Independent Monitoring Group of El Salvador)
It arises in El Salvador in March 1996, as an initiative aimed at contributing to the economic and social development of the country through the promotion of social responsibility of entrepreneurship and the maintenance of productive jobs under fair labor standards. "Promote independently the respect of labor rights, the improvement of working conditions, research and the formulation of innovative proposals, with a professional and integral human team, sensitive to the needs of the working population and committed to respect of the rights that emanate from their dignity. "
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Programa de Atención a Personas Refugiadas, la Iglesia Episcopal Anglicana (Refugee Program, Anglican Episcopal Church of El Salvador)
The Anglican Episcopal Church of El Salvador has the mission of bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to all young people, men and women to the smallest and most remote corner of our country, that message of love, hope and salvation that has no end, nor does it respect of persons. Anglicanism came to El Salvador in the 1930's with English-speaking communities living in the country. Today it is an option for growth, a different way of life and spirituality for more than 6 thousand members spread over 18 congregations throughout the national territory where every week they gather to celebrate the Holy Eucharist or Holy Supper, share the sacred scriptures and live as a true family in Christ.
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Soleterre Strategie di Pace ONLUS, El Salvdor (Soleterre Peace-building Strategies, El Salvador)
Soleterre is a non- profit foundation that works for the recognition and application of the right to health in its broadest meaning. For this reason, in addition to providing medical care and assistance, it is committed to the protection and promotion of psycho-physical well-being for everyone and everyone , both individually and collectively, at any age and in any part of the world. Prevention, denunciation and the fight against inequality and violence , whatever the cause that generates it, are an integral part of Soleterre's activity: because health is social justice.
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